multi-service-port{ from-vlan | vlan } vlanid { board [ frame-id frameid ] | port frameid/slotid } num-list { rx-cttr rx-index tx-cttr tx-index | inbound traffic-table{ index ip-traffic-table-index | name ip-traffic-table-name } outbound traffic-table { index ip-traffic-table-index | name ip-traffic-table-name } }
multi-service-port{ from-vlan | vlan } vlanid { board [ frame-id frameid ] | port frameid/slotid } num-list { user-encap user-encap | user-vlan { untagged | user- vlanid | priority-tagged| other-all } } { rx-cttr rx-index tx-cttr tx-index | inbound traffic -table { index ip-traffic-table-index | name ip-traffic-table-name } outbound traffic-table{ index ip-traffic-table-index | name ip-traffic-table-name } }
multi-service-port vlan transparent { board [ frame-id frameid ] | port frameid/ slotid } num-list other-all { rx-cttr rx-index tx-cttr tx-index | inbound traffic -table { index ip-traffic-table-index | name ip-traffic-table-name } outbound traffic-table { index ip-traffic-table-index | name ip-traffic-table-name } }
huawei(config)#multi-service-port{ from-vlan<K>|vlan<K> }:vlan{ transparent<K>|vlanid<U><1,4093> }:100{ board<K>|port<K> }:port{ frameid/slotid<S><Length 1-15> }:0/1{ num-list<S><Length 1-255> }:1-2{ inbound<K>|rx-cttr<K>|user-8021p<K>|user-encap<K>|user-vlan<K> }:user-encap{ user-encap<E><pppoe,ipoe,ipv6oe,ipv4oe> }:pppoe{ inbound<K>|rx-cttr<K> }:rx-cttr{ rx-index<U><0,63> }:6{ tx-cttr<K> }:tx-cttr{ tx-index<U><0,63> }:6 Command: multi-service-port vlan 100 port 0/1 1-2 user-encap pppoe rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 It will take several minutes, and console may timeout, please use command idle -timeout to set time limit Are you sure to create service virtual port(s)? (y/n)[n]:y The number of total board in this operation: 1 The number of total service virtual port in this operation: 2 Creating start... Creating end: The number of total service virtual port which need be created: 2 The number of total service virtual port which have been created: 2
GV老矣,尚能电否?【苍蓝雷霆Gunvolt 3 锁环】评测