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时间:2022-09-24 09:01:03人气:作者:快盘下载我要评论
1.创建共享磁盘柜 在虚拟机软件的安装目录下,有个vmware-vdiskmanager.exe文件(老版本用plainmaker.exe),把它复制到共享磁盘柜目录下,创建共享磁盘(老版本共享磁盘文件的扩展名为.pln) F:虚拟机共享磁盘柜>vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -c -s 200Mb -a lsilogic -t 2 quorum.vmdk F:虚拟机共享磁盘柜>vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -c -s 4Gb -a lsilogic -t 2 sharedisk.vmdk 创建完毕后,目录下有四个新文件 quorum-flat.vmdk quorum.vmdk sharedisk-flat.vmdk sharedisk.vmdk 2.配置虚拟机 在虚拟机器界面选择“Edit virtual machine settings”à添加硬盘,选“Use a existing virtual disk”,分别添加quorum.vmdk、sharedisk.vmdk 双击新加的磁盘,在弹出的磁盘属性窗选“advance”,为新加的硬盘选择虚拟设备节点:quorum.vmdk选订“SCSI 0:1”, sharedisk.vmdk选定“SCSI 1:1”。



vmware中设置共享磁盘,需要满足两个条件: 1、硬盘的高级属性中必须设置成1:0,如果增加第二块共享硬盘,也设成1:0,系统就会报错,所以设置成1:1(这种方式本人还没试过,不过在Oracle双机的文章中看到过这样的设置方法)

scsi[n].sharedBus = "virtual"
disk.locking = "false" 系统启动的时候会锁定磁盘,所以当启动linux1后共享磁盘被锁定了,linux2就起不来了,因此需要加入disk.locking = "false" 。

一般来说,如果是scsi1:0,则n为1,也就是scsi1.sharedBus = "virtual" ,表示所有的bus都共享,vmare推荐这种做法。
如果说是不是所有的bus都共享的话,可以将上述scsi1.sharedBus = "virtual"改成scsi1:1.shared = "true" 。
SCSI reservation must be enabled in a virtual machine before you can share its disks. To enable it, make sure the virtual machine is powered off. Open the configuration file (.vmx file on Windows hosts, .cfg file on Linux hosts) in a text editor and add the line scsi[n].sharedBus = "virtual" anywhere in the file, where [n] is the SCSI bus being shared. 
VMware recommends you set up the shared disks on their own SCSI bus, which is a different bus than the one the guest operating system uses. For example, if your guest operating system is on scsi0:0, you should set up disks to share on scsi1 bus. 
For example, to enable SCSI reservation for devices on the scsi1 bus, add the following line to the virtual machine's configuration file: 
scsi1.sharedBus = "virtual" 
This gives the whole bus the ability to be shared. However, if you would rather not share the whole bus, you can selectively enable SCSI reservation for a specific SCSI disk on the shared bus. This prevents the locking of this specific disk. Add the following line to the configuration file: 
scsi1:1.shared = "true" 
If SCSI reservation is enabled (that is, scsi1.sharedBus is set to "virtual"), then this setting is ignored. 
In addition to enabling SCSI reservation on the bus, you need to allow virtual machines to access the shared disk concurrently. Add the following line to the virtual machine's configuration file: 
disk.locking = "false" 
This setting permits multiple virtual machines to access a disk concurrently. Be careful though; if any virtual machine not configured for SCSI reservation tries to access this disk concurrently, then the shared disk is vulnerable to corruption or data loss. 
When SCSI reservation is enabled, a reservation lock file that contains the shared state of the reservation for the given disk is created. The name of this file consists of the filename of the SCSI disk appended with .RESLCK. 
For example, if the disk scsi1:0.filename is defined in the configuration file as 
scsi1:0.fileName = "//vmSCSI.pln" 
then the reservation lock file for this disk is given the default name 
However, you can provide your own lock file name. Add a definition for scsi1:0.reslckname to the configuration file. For example, if 
scsi1:0.reslckname = "/tmp/scsi1-0.reslock" 
is added to the configuration file, it overrides the default lock file name. 

Selecting the Disk
Once SCSI reservation is enabled for a disk — that is, the scsi[n].sharedBus = "virtual" and disk.locking = "false" settings are added to the configuration file for each virtual machine wanting to share this disk, you need to point to this disk for each virtual machine that wants to access it. 

Sharing a Disk on the scsi0 Bus
plainmaker已经不用了,现在直接添加磁盘 为一台机器添加一个新的虚拟磁盘,然后再为另一台机器添加一个已存在的虚拟磁盘
scsi1.sharedBus = "virtual"
disk.locking = "false"



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